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Our Curriculum

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

We have some very exciting and interesting projects during Year 4 which enthuse the children's passion for learning as they develop into historians, artists, inventors and geographers - amongst many other things! Purposeful outcomes, such as displaying their sculptures in an art installation in the town library, give them a real drive to learn and show excellence in all they do. 

The year begins by considering our impact on the environment through our citizenship projects, both locally and globally, where children will use persuasive techniques to influence others to make good choices about our world and the creatures within. They will learn how to help support our local area, and show care and awareness for people who are less fortunate than themselves.

During the spring term, they become historians and geographers as they study Ancient China and the Shang Dynasty, as well as the Romans, looking carefully at the events that happened and how these have shaped the way we live today.

The latter part of the year nurtures the children's creative skills where they will become inventors and artists through our Design and Technology and Art projects. There are further opportunities to work scientifically to develop wire loop games as well as develop their understanding of the powerful message art can share and how it can influence people. 

Overall, by the end of Year 4, children will have developed their knowledge and skills, both academically and socially, through our rich, broad and purposeful curriculum, sharing their learning with families and the wider community. 

Mrs Buitekant, Miss Miah and Mr Sime

Contact Us

Marlborough Rd, Braintree, CM7 9LW

01376 326739